White Rose Blooms in Wisconsin
Kevin Barrett, Jim Fetzer & the American Resistance
The life and accomplishments of Kevin Barrett and Jim Fetzer as representatives of “the American resistance” to creeping fascism in America, which, alas, continues to this day. They are doing what they can to forestall the forces of darkness enveloping the nation, where there are no guarantees of success.
Kevin hosts “Truth Jihad Radio” Fridays 8-10 PM/ET on Revolution Radio, Studio A, and Jim has a two-hour video show, “The Raw Deal,” W/F/Sunday 6-8 PM/ET also on Revolution Radio, Studio A, two other news shows and “The New JFK Show” weekly, most of which are archived, on 153news.net. They are frequently interviewed by other news and talk-show programs here in the U.S. and abroad, including by Richie Allen out of the UK and by PressTV of Iran.
They both have several books, including Kevin’s Truth Jihad (2007) and Questioning the War on Terror (2009). He has also co-edited 9/11 and American Empire (2006). Jim has three books on JFK—Assassination Science (1998), Murder in Dealey Plaza (2000) and The Great Zapruder Film Hoax (2003)—and others on Sandy Hook and the Boston bombing.
Softcover, 478 pages, 88 photos, B&W: $25
$25 with Dr. Fetzer’s autograph
$45 with Dr. Fetzer’s inscription
Softcover, 478 pages, 88 photos, COLOR: $35
$45 with Dr. Fetzer’s autograph
$65 with Dr. Fetzer’s inscription